Maximize Your Library’s Efficiency: Prep for End-of-Year with Ease

As the clock winds down on another academic year, now is the perfect time to start prepping your library for the upcoming summer break. Don’t let the end-of-year rush catch you off guard! To help streamline your preparations, visit our comprehensive End-of-Year Procedures article for essential guidance: [].

Here are a few essential tasks to consider during this critical time:

– Utilize the Inventory and Textbook Tracker reports in Alexandria to assess your current holdings and identify items still checked out.

– Enhance communication by sending a Patron Details report from Circulation. Adding a personal note to parents can help recover items faster.

– Tidy up your catalog with an end-of-year data cleanup. Our guides on Cataloging Series and Serials are invaluable for this task. Follow up with the Title Information by Series report to evaluate how your series are displayed and make necessary adjustments.

– Refresh your Researcher pane for the new year. Explore the array of icons available and consider adding the Browse feature to improve user experience.

Taking these steps now will ensure a smoother transition into the summer and set you up for success in the upcoming school year. Start early to make the most of these tools and tips, optimizing your library operations and readiness for the next academic cycle.